Sunday 1 July 2012

Think & Grow Rich (Chap 7 & 8)

6. Practical Plans
1.Ally yourself with a group of many people as you need for the creation and carrying out of the plans for accumulation of money using the “Master Mind” Principle
2.Before forming your master mind, decide what advantages you can offer them, no one works for free
3.Meet with members of your master mind group twice a week, to perfect the plan or plans
4.Maintain perfect harmony or else you will fail. Master mind principal cannot work unless there is perfect harmony

Keep in mind
1.This is a major importance, Make sure your plans are faultless
2.You must have the advantage of experience, education, native ability and imagination of other minds
3.No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, education, knowledge without cooperation of others
4.Your original plans must be checked and approved by the members of your master mind group
5.Majority fail because of lack of persistence in creating new plans
6.If you plan fails its temporary defeat, it may mean that your plans are not sound, just rebuild your plans
7.A quitter never wins and winner never quits.
8.Blair was born without ears.
9.Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he succeeded
10.Select your members who don’t take defeat seriously
11.Intelligent Planning for the sale of personal services
12.All great fortunes comes from services to give in return for riches
13.Your achievements are depended on your plans

1.Unwavering courage
2.Self control
3.Keen sense of justice
4.Definiteness of decision
5.Definiteness of plans
6.Habit of doing more than paid for
7.A pleasing personality
8.Sympathy and Understanding
9.Mastery of details
10.Willingness to assume full responsibility

QQS Formula
This determines the price of the service
•Quality of Service
•Quantity of Service
•Habit of rendering service within your capacity
•Increasing amount of service rendered as you accumulate
•Spirit of Service
•Harmonious conduct

Going the extra mile
•Render more and better service than you are paid to do with a pleasant attitude
•Story: Working for the president for free
•Story: How he wrote this book Think and Grow Rich
•Advantages and Benefits
1.Places the law of increasing returns
2.Allows those who can provide opportunity to you, to spot you
3.Permits the indispensability, can command more than average compensation
4.Leads to Mental Growth and Ability
5.Protects one against loss of employment
6.Allows one to choose his own job and working condition
7.Leads to a positive pleasing mental attitude
8.Majority of people don’t go even the first mile
9.Develop a keen and alert imagination
10.Develops a habit for one to keep on seeking new and more efficient way of doing things
11.Serves to develop self reliance
12.Only justified to ask for more pay

Annual Self Analysis
•Inventory of oneself
•Check stock
•Know your weakness to bridge them
•Know your strength to have an advantage
•Yearly analysis should disclose if advances have be made
•In decrease in fault
•In Increase in virtues
•You will know if you are moving forward or backward in life

7. Decision
•The mastery of procrastination
•25,000 who failed says lack of decision is the key
•Procrastination is lack of decision
•Successful ones says
•Reach decision promptly
•Change decision slowly
•Unsuccessful ones do the opposite

Tips on making your own decisions
•Majority who failed are easily influenced by others
•They permit news papers and gossip to make their decision for them
•Free advise is the worst advice
•Only take advise from people with actual proof
•You have a brain and mind of your own, use it
•Acquire facts quietly, do your own research, don’t let the noise disturb you
•Do not look for a miracle, look for the way the internal law of nature works. As it will work all the time
•Study and research enough on the nature, facts and understand the fundamentals that govern it.
•Fundamentals don’t change, opinion does

Sunday 27 May 2012

Think & Grow Rich

The disaster of negative thinking
1. Subconscious mind does not know good or bad
2. What you put in is what you get out
3. It will translate to reality the thought
4. So auto suggestion can work for you or against you
5. Choose your thoughts

Autosuggestion is the medium for influencing the subconscious mind
1. It works through the fives sensors to reach the mind
2. It serves as the seed of action
3. See and feel money in your hands
4. Read aloud your statements of your desire
5. Communicate this desire to your subconscious mind
6. You create thought habits
7. However your subconscious mind can only recognize with emotion
8. You have to use persistence
9. You must decide if its worth it or not to create that emotion

6 Steps to stimulate your subconscious mind
1. Go to a quite spot where you wont be disturb
2. Repeat aloud the amount of desired money you intend to accumulated
3. The time limit of this accumulation
4. The description of the service or merchandise you intend to give in return for the money
5. As you carry out these instruction see yourself already possession of the money

4. Specialized Knowledge
1. General Knowledge & Specialized Knowledge
2. Knowledge is not power, its only potential power
3. Riches can only come from Organized, Intelligently Directed, Practical Plans
4. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison had little education and yet they were successful. Why
5. Education does not mean its in the person alone, but so long as he can surround himself with it and he is able to call upon it to direct it to plans for successful accumulation of great fortunes, he is able to leverage it.
6. Leverage on other peoples knowledge to make it yours to exercise it for your great accumulation of fortunes
7. Capability is Imagination to combine specialized knowledge to ideas in a form of organized plans design to yield riches, the next step is imagination
8. The Idea is the main thing, specialized knowledge maybe found around the corner

5. Imagination
1. The workshop of the mind
2. Synthetic Imagination (rearrange old information to new combination)
3. Creative Imagination (draw upon universal imagination/ intelligence)
4. Development of Synthetic Imagination is used more often of converting desire into money
5. There must be a plan, mostly using what we already know
6. Desire is thought impulse and is attracting all things around the universe
7. Hard work will bring riches is not true.
8. Riches come in by definite demand with definite principles and definite plans
9. Master sales man can sell the same thing better than the normal sales man, Why?
10. How General Knowledge can be turned to Specialized Knowledge to used for your advantage
11. Supermarket Checkout, What was before self help grocery store? The Story

Monday 30 April 2012

Think & Grow Rich

What constitute enduring riches
1. Positive mental attitude
2. Sound physical health
3. Harmony in human relations
4. Freedom from fear
5. The hope of future achievement
6. The capacity for applied fame
7. Willingness to share ones blessings with others
8. To be engage in the labour of love
9. An open mind on all subjects towards all people
10. Complete self discipline
11. Wisdom of which to understand all people
12. Financial security

Prepare yourself for
• A Change Life
• Accumulation of Abundance
• Personal Achievement
• Financial Advancement
• This is an Economic Philosophy
• Clue
• Everything starts from an Idea
• Begin to Think and Grow Rich
• Definiteness of purpose
• It is a state of Mind, you must acquire this state

1. Desire
• The starting point of all achievement,
• The first step toward riches
• The battle story, we win or we perish
• Burn your ship and cut all sources of retreat
• This will set the stage of burning desire
• To be Successful, wishing will not work on Desiring
• Persistence do not recognize failure
• Desiring, Planning, Backing with Persistence will bring riches

6 steps of to turn Desire to Gold
1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for money you desire
3. Establish a defined date when you intend to posses the desire
4. Create a definite plan and carry it out at once even if you are not ready
5. Write out the a clear concise statement on the exact amount of money you want, the definite date and state what you intend to give in return for the money and describe clearly in which the plan through which you are going to accumulate it with.
6. Read your written statement aloud twice daily before retiring in the night and once after you
• As you read, see and feel yourself already in possession with the money
• Its difficult but the burning desire will come to you aid
• Your desire will have to become and obsession and you will have no difficulty convincing yourself
• The trick is to want money, and become so determine to have it that you will convince yourself that you will
have it
• This 6 steps was used by Andrew Carnegie and endorsement by Thomas Edison

State of Mind
• You will understand that there will be down times
• Thomas Edison Story of 10,000 trials that didn’t work
• Keep on keeping on until you find the things that will work
• There is a difference between Wishing and Believing
• Open-mindedness is essential for Believe
• It is the same effort to Dream Big versus Accepting Misery, Poverty
• The Power of Desire is backed by Faith

2. Faith
• Napoleon's 2nd Son’s Case
• Worked on prayer 4hrs a day for first 4years
• 18th month he began to hear
• By time he was 4 years he had 65% hearing
• In college, a company heard about his case and supported him with technology to have 100% hearing
• Doctors don’t know what happen

How to Develop Faith
• Faith is the Head Chemist of the Mind
• Emotion of Love, Hate and Sex is the most powerful
• How to develop Faith, Via auto suggestion
• Faith is state of mind which may be induced by strong affirmation or repeated instruction to the subconscious mind through the principle of auto suggestion.
• Repetition of affirmation of orders to the mind is the only known voluntary development of the emotion of faith
• Use the principle of Auto suggestion

Important Sentences
1. Faith is the starting point of accumulation of riches
2. Faith is the basis of all miracles and all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science
3. Faith is the only known antidote for failure
4. Faith is the element, the chemical which when mixed with prayer gives one direct communication with infinite intelligence
5. Faith is the element which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought created by the finite mind of man into the spiritual equivalent
6. Faith is the only agency through which the cosmic force of infinite intelligence can be harness and be used by man

3. Autosuggestion
• Original Seed of an Idea
• Repetition of thought
• Repeat in audible
• Remove distraction
• Greatest weakness is lack of confidence
• Use positive thought impulse, memorize and repeat it

Self Confidence Formula
1. I know I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in my life, therefore I demand of myself, persistence continuous actions towards this attainment and I hear and now promise to render such action

2. I realize that the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually produce themselves in outward physical action will gradually transform themselves in to physical reality therefore I will concentrate my thoughts for 30 min daily upon the task of thinking the person I intend to become thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture

3. I know through the principle of auto suggestion any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it therefore I will devote 10 min daily to demanding of myself the development of self confidence

4. I have clearly written down a description of my definite chief aim in my life and I will never stop trying until I have develop sufficient self confidence for its attainment

5. I fully realize no wealth or position can long endure unless build upon truth and justice therefore I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use and the cooperation of other people, I will induce others to serve me because of my willingness to serve others, I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealously, selfishness and cynicism by developing love for all humanity because I know
that a negative attitude towards others can never bring me success, I will cause others to believe in me because I will believe in them and in myself, I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory and repeat it aloud once a day with full faith that it will gradually influence my thoughts and action so that I will become a self reliant and successful person

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy & Lasting Fulfillment

Dear Comrades,

I would like to share with you on this book - "Happier" that i bought recently.

About the Author - Prof Tal Ben-Shahar
Tal Ben-Shahar Ph.D is one of the Harvard University’s most popular lecturers. He taught the largest course at Harvard on "Positive Psychology" and the third largest on "The Psychology of Leadership” which attract over 1,400 students per semester- Approximately 20 percent of all Harvard graduates.

More information about the author :

The Question of Happiness
When Tal was 16 years old, he won the Israeli national squash championship. However he found out that the supreme happiness from this victory did not last long. And he realise that he needed to think about happiness in different ways, to deepen or changes his understanding of the nature of happiness.He asked himself, how can he find long lasting happiness.

One day, when he eating burger, he came out with a Hamburger Model.

The Hamburger Model

Rat Race Archetype
-The rat racer illusion is that reaching some future destination will bring him lasting happiness; he does not recognise the significant of the journey. They become the slave to the future.

-Once we arrive at our destination, once we attain our goal, we mistake the relief that we feel for happiness. The weightier the burden we carried on our journey, the more powerful and pleasant is our experience of relief. When we mistake these moments of relief for happiness, we reinforce the illusion that simply reaching goals will make us happy.While there certainly is value in relief- it is a pleasant experience and it is real-it should not be mistaken for happiness.

-The rat racer suffers from the “ arrival fallacy” – the false belief that reaching a valued destination can sustain happiness.

Hedonism Archetype
-A hedonist seek pleasure and avoid pain. However, without a long-term purpose, devoid of challenge, life ceases to feel meaningful to us; we cannot find happiness if we exclusively seek pleasure and avoid pain.

- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  claims that “ the best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.

-Hedonist’s illusion is that only the journey is important. They become the slave to the moment.

-The hedonist suffers from the “floating moment fallacy” - the false belief that happiness can sustained by an ongoing experience of momentary pleasures that are detached from a future purpose.

Nihilism Archetype
- A nihilist is a person who has given up on happiness, who had become resigned to the belief that life has no meaning and captures the state of being chained to the past.

-Studies from Martin Selingman reveal how easily we can learn to be helpless. When we fail to attain a desire outcome, we often extrapolate from that experience the belief that we have no control over our lives or over certain part of it. Such thinking lead to despair.

-Nihilist given up on both the destination and the journey is disillusioned with life. They become the slave to the past.

-Nihilism suffer from “misreading of reality”- the false belief that no matter what one does, one cannot attain happiness.

Happiness Archetype
-To expect constant happiness, though, is to set ourselves up for failure and disappointment. Not everything that we do can provide us both present and future benefit. The objective is to spend as much time as possible engaged in activities that provide both present and future benefit.

Attaining lasting happiness requires that we enjoy the journey on our way toward a destination we deem valuable. Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the mountain nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing toward the peak.

Source:Tal Ben Shahar. (2007), Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy & Lasting Fulfillment, US:McGrawHill.

I will share with you more when i finish the next chapter.

Chie Yuan

Sunday 4 September 2011

Hi Comrades,

In August meeting, we learned

1. The Law of the SCOREBOARD : The team can make adjustments when it knows where it stands. The scoreboard is essential to evaluating performance at any given time, and is vital to decision-making.

2. The Law of the BENCH : Great teams have great depth. Any team that wants to excel must have good substitutes as well as starters. The key to making the most of the law of the bench is to continually improve the team.

3. The Law of the IDENTITY : Shared values define the team. The type of values you choose for the team will attract the type of members you need. Values give the team a unique identity to its members, potential recruits, clients, and the public. Values must be constantly stated and restated, practiced, and institutionalized.

See you in September meeting!

Chie Yuan

Monday 25 July 2011

Hi Comrades,

We shall have our 2nd Session on the theme [Teamwork] for this coming Personal Development Discussion Meet on 28th July 2011 Thursday, 8pm at Jin's house. We will be discussing [The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork] by John C. Maxcell. During the meeting, we will cover the next 5  laws.

Image 1

  1. The Law of CATALYST: Winning Teams Have Players Who Make Things Happen
  2. The Law of the COMPASS: Vision Gives Team Members Direction and Confidence
  3. The Law of the BAD APPLE: Rotten Attitudes Ruin a Team
  4. The Law of the COUNTABILITY: Teammates Must Be Able to Count on Each Other When It Counts
  5. The Law of the PRICE TAG: The Team Fails to Reach Its Potential When It Fails to Pay the Price
If you have read the book before or have great experience and knowledge about teamwork, we welcome you to share them during the meeting. For those who are new to this, feel free to join us and we LOVE questions.

Any further questions before or after the meeting, kindly post it here so we can have an online discussion. Thank you.

Chong Yew

Tuesday 28 June 2011

[30-Jun-11] The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork - Session #1

Hi Comrades,

We will have a new theme [Teamwork] for this coming Personal Development Discussion Meet on 30th June 2011 Thursday, 8pm at Jin's house. We will be discussing [The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork] by John C. Maxcell. During the meeting, we will try to cover at least 5 of the laws.

Image 1

  1. The Law of Significance: One Is Too Small a Number to Achieve Greatness
  2. The Law of the Big Picture: The Goal is More Important Than the Role
  3. The Law of the Niche: All Players Have a Place Where They Add the Most Value
  4. The Law of the Great Challenge ("Mount Everest"): As the Challenge Escalates, the Need for Teamwork Elevates
  5. The Law of the Chain: The Strength of the Team Is Impacted by Its Weakest Link
If you have read the book before or have great experience and knowledge about teamwork, we welcome you to share them during the meeting. For those who are new to this, feel free to join us and we LOVE questions.

Below are some of the links that you might find useful to get more info on this topic.

Any further questions before or after the meeting, kindly post it here so we can have an online discussion. Thank you.

Chong Yew