Sunday 1 July 2012

Think & Grow Rich (Chap 7 & 8)

6. Practical Plans
1.Ally yourself with a group of many people as you need for the creation and carrying out of the plans for accumulation of money using the “Master Mind” Principle
2.Before forming your master mind, decide what advantages you can offer them, no one works for free
3.Meet with members of your master mind group twice a week, to perfect the plan or plans
4.Maintain perfect harmony or else you will fail. Master mind principal cannot work unless there is perfect harmony

Keep in mind
1.This is a major importance, Make sure your plans are faultless
2.You must have the advantage of experience, education, native ability and imagination of other minds
3.No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, education, knowledge without cooperation of others
4.Your original plans must be checked and approved by the members of your master mind group
5.Majority fail because of lack of persistence in creating new plans
6.If you plan fails its temporary defeat, it may mean that your plans are not sound, just rebuild your plans
7.A quitter never wins and winner never quits.
8.Blair was born without ears.
9.Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he succeeded
10.Select your members who don’t take defeat seriously
11.Intelligent Planning for the sale of personal services
12.All great fortunes comes from services to give in return for riches
13.Your achievements are depended on your plans

1.Unwavering courage
2.Self control
3.Keen sense of justice
4.Definiteness of decision
5.Definiteness of plans
6.Habit of doing more than paid for
7.A pleasing personality
8.Sympathy and Understanding
9.Mastery of details
10.Willingness to assume full responsibility

QQS Formula
This determines the price of the service
•Quality of Service
•Quantity of Service
•Habit of rendering service within your capacity
•Increasing amount of service rendered as you accumulate
•Spirit of Service
•Harmonious conduct

Going the extra mile
•Render more and better service than you are paid to do with a pleasant attitude
•Story: Working for the president for free
•Story: How he wrote this book Think and Grow Rich
•Advantages and Benefits
1.Places the law of increasing returns
2.Allows those who can provide opportunity to you, to spot you
3.Permits the indispensability, can command more than average compensation
4.Leads to Mental Growth and Ability
5.Protects one against loss of employment
6.Allows one to choose his own job and working condition
7.Leads to a positive pleasing mental attitude
8.Majority of people don’t go even the first mile
9.Develop a keen and alert imagination
10.Develops a habit for one to keep on seeking new and more efficient way of doing things
11.Serves to develop self reliance
12.Only justified to ask for more pay

Annual Self Analysis
•Inventory of oneself
•Check stock
•Know your weakness to bridge them
•Know your strength to have an advantage
•Yearly analysis should disclose if advances have be made
•In decrease in fault
•In Increase in virtues
•You will know if you are moving forward or backward in life

7. Decision
•The mastery of procrastination
•25,000 who failed says lack of decision is the key
•Procrastination is lack of decision
•Successful ones says
•Reach decision promptly
•Change decision slowly
•Unsuccessful ones do the opposite

Tips on making your own decisions
•Majority who failed are easily influenced by others
•They permit news papers and gossip to make their decision for them
•Free advise is the worst advice
•Only take advise from people with actual proof
•You have a brain and mind of your own, use it
•Acquire facts quietly, do your own research, don’t let the noise disturb you
•Do not look for a miracle, look for the way the internal law of nature works. As it will work all the time
•Study and research enough on the nature, facts and understand the fundamentals that govern it.
•Fundamentals don’t change, opinion does

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