Tuesday 28 June 2011

[30-Jun-11] The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork - Session #1

Hi Comrades,

We will have a new theme [Teamwork] for this coming Personal Development Discussion Meet on 30th June 2011 Thursday, 8pm at Jin's house. We will be discussing [The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork] by John C. Maxcell. During the meeting, we will try to cover at least 5 of the laws.

Image 1

  1. The Law of Significance: One Is Too Small a Number to Achieve Greatness
  2. The Law of the Big Picture: The Goal is More Important Than the Role
  3. The Law of the Niche: All Players Have a Place Where They Add the Most Value
  4. The Law of the Great Challenge ("Mount Everest"): As the Challenge Escalates, the Need for Teamwork Elevates
  5. The Law of the Chain: The Strength of the Team Is Impacted by Its Weakest Link
If you have read the book before or have great experience and knowledge about teamwork, we welcome you to share them during the meeting. For those who are new to this, feel free to join us and we LOVE questions.

Below are some of the links that you might find useful to get more info on this topic.

Any further questions before or after the meeting, kindly post it here so we can have an online discussion. Thank you.

Chong Yew


Chong Yew said...

Hi guys,

For those who have attended the meeting and will like a copy of Jin's presentation slide, please go to this link.


Thank you.

Chong Yew

Yuan said...

Hi Chong Yew,

I cant access to the link.Its said the link is expired??

Anonymous said...

Hi Chie Yan

I will email you a copy.

Chong Yew