Sunday 27 May 2012

Think & Grow Rich

The disaster of negative thinking
1. Subconscious mind does not know good or bad
2. What you put in is what you get out
3. It will translate to reality the thought
4. So auto suggestion can work for you or against you
5. Choose your thoughts

Autosuggestion is the medium for influencing the subconscious mind
1. It works through the fives sensors to reach the mind
2. It serves as the seed of action
3. See and feel money in your hands
4. Read aloud your statements of your desire
5. Communicate this desire to your subconscious mind
6. You create thought habits
7. However your subconscious mind can only recognize with emotion
8. You have to use persistence
9. You must decide if its worth it or not to create that emotion

6 Steps to stimulate your subconscious mind
1. Go to a quite spot where you wont be disturb
2. Repeat aloud the amount of desired money you intend to accumulated
3. The time limit of this accumulation
4. The description of the service or merchandise you intend to give in return for the money
5. As you carry out these instruction see yourself already possession of the money

4. Specialized Knowledge
1. General Knowledge & Specialized Knowledge
2. Knowledge is not power, its only potential power
3. Riches can only come from Organized, Intelligently Directed, Practical Plans
4. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison had little education and yet they were successful. Why
5. Education does not mean its in the person alone, but so long as he can surround himself with it and he is able to call upon it to direct it to plans for successful accumulation of great fortunes, he is able to leverage it.
6. Leverage on other peoples knowledge to make it yours to exercise it for your great accumulation of fortunes
7. Capability is Imagination to combine specialized knowledge to ideas in a form of organized plans design to yield riches, the next step is imagination
8. The Idea is the main thing, specialized knowledge maybe found around the corner

5. Imagination
1. The workshop of the mind
2. Synthetic Imagination (rearrange old information to new combination)
3. Creative Imagination (draw upon universal imagination/ intelligence)
4. Development of Synthetic Imagination is used more often of converting desire into money
5. There must be a plan, mostly using what we already know
6. Desire is thought impulse and is attracting all things around the universe
7. Hard work will bring riches is not true.
8. Riches come in by definite demand with definite principles and definite plans
9. Master sales man can sell the same thing better than the normal sales man, Why?
10. How General Knowledge can be turned to Specialized Knowledge to used for your advantage
11. Supermarket Checkout, What was before self help grocery store? The Story